
Scribner publicity: Mia O’Neill,

Agent: Farley Chase, Chase Literary,



Because I have always liked, and believed in the importance of, maps and charts and navigating our way not only on sea and land but through ideas and feelings as well, I'll add below some spatial representations of what I'm thinking about and working on and where I'm going ...

Satellite chart of El Faro's position in relation to Hurricane Joaquin, Oct. 1, 2015

Satellite chart of El Faro's position in relation to Hurricane Joaquin, Oct. 1, 2015

The Old City, Al Khalil, aka Hebron, in Occupied Territories of Palestine

The Old City, Al Khalil, aka Hebron, in Occupied Territories of Palestine

Greenpoint ...

Greenpoint ...

visiting A.

visiting A.

home waters

home waters